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Jekyll Updates + Liquid Fun

11 Aug 2020

3 tags: ruby jekyll projects

OH BOY! Since my last update, I've had the following progression of tasks:

  1. Add responsive CSS, so layout will change based on screen size (If you're viewing this on mobile, apologies - I'm working on it!
  2. Install new Jekyll website theme
  3. Add Gemfile and Gemfile.lock to website files
  4. Add project environment level package control
  5. Install nix for package control
  6. Move all data off harddrive via scp
  7. Create password bank and generate new passwords for all accounts
  8. Re-generate SSH and GPG keys
  9. Move OS from Catalina to Ubuntu
  10. Reconfigure entire workflow
  11. Add tags to posts and create tag-filtered page (thank you James!)

…so you could say that I've had quite the week. To summarize my experiences, I'm extremely happy with the move to Ubuntu (you can customize everything!), I have a stronger understanding of the need for package control (and how nix helps you do this - I love lying to my computer…), and I really do not think javascript is necessary for a satisfying website experience (no offense to any webdevs out there, but it’s just not for me). Next up: figuring out responsive CSS, and configuring my blog so mobile viewing is not a huge pain.

Until next time!